“At the heart of VanderPol Investments is a curiosity for discovering and implementing the best practices within finance.”
Our Mission
VanderPol Investments was founded on the idea that our clients should get what's truly in their best interest, not just a product that seems suitable. With truth and transparency, we strive to set ourselves apart by offering insight on all of your financial options. We seek to provide a straight-forward relationship where you know exactly how your money is invested.
Why Fee-Only?
Fee-Only financial planners are registered investment advisors with a fiduciary responsibility to act in their clients' best interest. As a Fee-Only advisory firm, we are compensated solely from our clients and we cannot receive compensation based on the purchase or sale of a financial product. This allows us to proudly uphold our fiduciary responsibility and offer comprehensive financial advice that best represents you and your interests.
Investment Principle
VanderPol Investments combines modern portfolio theory along with behavioral finance to create custom portfolios that are statistically and emotionally efficient. Using established academia and real-world knowledge, we seek to make prudent decisions for all of our clients. We constantly seek to achieve goals within our clients' comfort range by trading off risk and reward. We work to ensure that changes in your personal plan are what dictate your portfolio, not the markets.
Fee Structure
At VanderPol Investments, we are fully transparent about our fee structure. Our goal is to keep things as simple as possible so you know exactly what you are paying for. Our rates are based on the percentage of assets we manage. Listed below are our fees for portfolio management and financial planning.
Total Assets Under Management Fee
First $1,000,000 ------------------- 1.000%
Next $1,000,000 ------------------- 0.750%
Next $8,000,000 ------------------- 0.625%
Additional Amounts --------------- 0.500%